Disclaimer: weeaboos with a podcast is crude, lewd, and full of dudes. If you are easily offended by dark humor, foul language, and rampant lunacy, then stay far, far away. You have been warned.
On this week’s episode: we begin the final countdown to the last episodes of our much beloved and highly inflammatory podcast. This time around we give our thoughts and impressions of E3 2014 and score the performance of Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo to decide who really won this year’s big show. Did anything really impress us, or did most of the games leave us feeling flaccid? Afterwards, we grill Nintendo on their decision to bring down its online service for Wii and DS and discuss the possibility of Capcom’s beloved franchises being sold to the highest bidders.
Download (Right-Click to Save, 1 hr 33 min, 74 mb) / Subscribe on iTunes
Intro: Avenida Brasil Opening
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